GRAYLING - bouquet


This messy shaped gives an organical mood and unfinished casual feeling to carry as a bouquet. its earthy tones are amazing to pair with beige or a gown that is non white.

Size: 20 cm wide x 45 cm long

Materials: stabilized flowers and foliages, dry seeds and grasses.

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Unique pieces: our Pieris bouquet is made-to-order to use the newest dry blooms - slow fashion style.

For custom hair pin enquiries please contact me here

The bouquet delivered may differ from the one in the photography.

The color tone, the construction of the bouquet, as well as the sizes and shapes of the botanical elements are always different.

We will produce the selected design as faithfully as possible, however no flower arrangement can be exactly the same as another by nature, each one is unique irreproducible.